Frequently asked questions

What does Plutigo mean?

We want to help you make the right money choices and our name comes from this. Plutigo is the combination of two words:

  1. Plutus, the God of Wealth in Ancient Greece, and
  2. Tigo, which means "you" in Spanish and Portuguese.

What products do you review?

Our reviews cover financial products that are often overlooked by other review sites. These products are often more niche than main stream product but can be just as important to people that need them. For example, we review products like FHA 203(k) loans, personal loans, home warranty insurance, Roth IRAs, and HSAs. We’ll continue to add more products, so we can help you make informed decisions around all your financial needs.

What are your ratings based on?

We look at many factors to determine our rating, including fees, interest rates, available features and services, customer ratings, ease of access, and more.

How do you make money?

In some cases, we get paid when someone applies or receives a financial product through our site. These partners are identified throughout the site with a "promoted" label.

These partnerships may also influence what products we review or how they appear, e.g. the order or color in which companies appear, but partners cannot pay us to guarantee favorable reviews. Our reviews and ratings are our own and are based on years of research and experience in financial services.

Why don’t I see a provider for a product that’s on your site?

We review many companies for the products we cover on our site, but do not cover them all. If you find a company or product you would like us to review, send us an email at .

How do I get my company reviewed on your site?

If you'd like us to review your offerings, please send us an email at .